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Royal African Society

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The Society aims to promote not just Sudan but the whole continent of Africa in business, politics, culture and academia. Members are encouraged to work together to foster better understanding and strong relationships between Britain, Africa and the world. The Society offers a programme of regular events including talks, book launches, business breakfasts, lectures, and a literary and a film festival. Members also benefit from free or discounted subscriptions to African journals.


University of Nottingham

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The University's Human Rights Law Centre has actively supported progressive initiatives in Sudan. Sudanese post-gruduate students awarded scholarships by the Physical Environmental Centre of Khartoum have also studied at the University of Nottingham, particularly in the environmental disciplines and related areas of engineering. Students have formed a Sudanese Nile Society, which aims to provide a forum for events and discussions on Sudanese matters.


University of Reading

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The University of Reading has for a number of years collaborated with academic colleagues in Sudan in fields of research and teaching in which they share an interest and expertise, e.g. agriculture, archaeology, geography, development, construction and management, climate change, food security, bio-diversity, and poverty alleviation.


Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, University of Bergen

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The Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic studies at the University of Bergen (Senter for Midtausten- og islamske studiar, SMI) was created in 1988 to coordinate work on various aspects of the Islamic world within the humanities and social sciences; as well as to be gateway between the research groups in Bergen and the outside world. The University of Bergen has also been involved in digital preservation projects in Sudan, notably with the audio-visual archives of the Sudan Radio and Television Corporation. The university has a substantial Sudan collection in its library, including some archival material, and the Mahmoud Salih collection (online resource). 


Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS)

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LUCAS is an interdisciplinary centre that brings together scholars with an active interest in Africa from across different schools and faculties at the University of Leeds. The Centre publishes annually the Leeds African Studies Bulletin, and hosts an annual African Studies Lecture, and a regular seminar programme.


Centre for African Studies, SOAS

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The Centre has a claim on being the largest centre of expertise on Africa outside Africa. It is responsible for co-ordinating, stimulating and promoting interdisciplinary study, research and discussion on Africa within the University of London; and promoting a wider awareness of African issues. A monthly newsletter, Africa News, is available online. A Sudan/South Sudan seminar series is jointly run by CAS and SSSUK.


Middle East Centre and Sudanese Programme, St Anthony's College, Oxford

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The Middle East Centre of St Antony’s College is the centre for the interdisciplinary study of the modern Middle East in the University of Oxford.  Centre Fellows teach and conduct research in the humanities and social sciences with direct reference to the Arab world, Iran, Israel and Turkey, with particular emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Researchers may visit the Centre's library and (by appointment) archive.The Sudanese Programme, sponsored by the Middle East Centre and the African Studies Centre, is a neutral forum to promote dialogue and understanding between all Sudanese through conferences and lectures dealing with present day issues and problems. It also covers cultural, social and other political issues facing the Sudanese.


Sudan Studies Association

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SSSUK's sister organisation in the U.S.A., the SSA is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge about all aspects of life in Sudan and South Sudan. Founded in 1981, it seeks to promote research which is academically rigorous, historically informed and which addresses the dynamics that shape both nations and their relationships with neighbouring countries. Conferences are held annually in North America. In addition, international conferences have in recent years been convened in collaboration with SSSUK in Durham (2000), Washington DC (2003), Bergen (2006), Pretoria (2009) and Bonn (2012). The Association welcomes new members, partner collaborations and encourages emerging scholars to join.


The Sudan Archaeological Research Society

Short description

Founded in 1991 the Society provides a focus for anyone interested in the archaeology of Sudan, South Sudan, and of Egypt south of the First Nile Cataract. Lectures, seminars, publications and the bulletin Sudan & Nubia promote interest in the Sudans' cultural heritage and raise awareness of its place in the history of mankind. The Society mounts expeditions to excavate and record threatened sites before they are lost to knowledge forever.

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