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'Sudan Studies' 58 is online, and 54 is free to access

'Sudan Studies' 58 is online, and 54 is free to access

Sudan Studies 58 is now digitally available on this website for SSSUK members who have website accounts. Sudan Studies 54 has been made publicly available after the two-year exclusivity period.


Contents of No. 58 (July 2018)

The death of Paul Wilson.’ p. 3.

Lutz Oette. ‘An innovative approach to women’s studies in Sudan: A review and a report.’ pp. 4-9.

Nagla Ahmed. ‘Defending human rights in Sudan, a daunting mission.’ pp. 10-16.

Antonis Chaldeos. ‘The Greek community in Sudan at the time of the Mahdia, 1885-1898.’ pp. 17-28.

Peter Martell. ‘Hope from history – Keeping the dream of South Sudan alive.’ pp. 29-40.

Kuyok Abol Kuyok. ‘The neglect of the history of Sudan in South Sudan’s national curriculum.’ pp.41-52.

Sara Maher, Santino Atem Deng, Nicki Kindersley. ‘South Sudanese Australians: Constantly negotiating belonging and identity.’ pp.53-64.

Herman Bell. ‘The toponymy of Ishkeed and the revitalization of an endangered Nubian Language.’ Review of a book by Abdel Halim Sabbar. pp. 65-69.

Kuyok Abol Kuyok. ‘Jungle chronicles and other writings: Recollections of a South Sudanese.’ Review of a book by Atem Yaak Atem. pp. 70-72.

Gill Lusk. ‘Torture in Sudan 1989-2016. A systematic practice in a context of repression, Islamisation, exclusion and impunity.’ Review of a book by Nasif B. E. Ahmed. pp. 73-75.

Edward Thomas. ‘Munich on the Nile: The road to Sudanese Independence.’ Review of a book by John O. Udal. pp. 76-78.


Contents of No. 54 (July 2016)

Jane Hogan. ‘Sudanese memorials: The Kerr Arch, Durham School’. pp. 3-4.

Elizabeth Hodgkin. ‘Education in South Sudan’. pp. 5-19.

Lutz Oette. ‘Litigation before the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and the struggle against torture in Sudan’. pp. 20-33.

Edward Thomas. ‘Visiting Akobo’. pp. 34-41.

Azahir Hassan Abdel Rahman. ‘The impact of irrigated agricultural schemes on social services in Sudan: A case study of the Rahad Irrigated Scheme’. pp. 41-48.

Charlotte Martin. Report of the SSSUK/Centre of African Studies meeting, ‘The international embrace of Khartoum: Causes and consequences for Greater Sudan’. pp. 49-51.

Heather J. Sharkey. ‘Lost nationalism: Revolution, memory, and anti-colonial resistance in Sudan’. Review of a book by Elena Vezzadini. pp. 52-54.

Jack Davies. ‘Canada in Sudan, Sudan in Canada: Immigration, conflict and reconstruction’. Review of a book edited by Amal Madibbo. pp. 55-56.

Peter Woodward. Their Second Republic: Islamism in the Sudan from disintegration to oblivion’. Review of a book by Abdullahi A. Gallab. pp. 57-58.

M. W. Daly. ‘Colonial violence, sultanic legacies and local politics, 1916-1956’. Review of a book by Chris Vaughan. pp. 59-63.