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New issue #64 of Sudan Studies online

New issue #64 of Sudan Studies online

Contents of Issue 64 (July 2021)

Editorial      1

Obituary    4

Ian Simpson


David K. Deng. A Missing Ingredient in the Study of South Sudan    6

Nyachangkuoth Tai. South Sudanese Women on the Frontline of the Women’s Peace and Security Agenda    10

Douglas H. Johnson. The Trial of The Vigilant. A Turning Point for the Worse in Sudanese Human Rights    17

Suha Hasan. Revolution in Paradise    39

Garth Glentworth. Southern Interests, Nile Water and the Politics of the Sudan in the Fifties: What would have happened if there had been a different outcome?     46

Peter Verney. Asylum Seekers in the UK in 2021: The state of play    61

Imogen Thurbon. Five Questions to Amel Bashir    72

Osman Nusairi. Women Under the Mahdiya    79

Book Reviews

Sarah M.H. Nouwen, Laura M. James and Sharath Srinivasan (eds). Making and Breaking Peace in Sudan and South Sudan    92

Elizabeth Shackleford. The Dissent Channel    96

Tarik Elhadd. Colonialism& the Medical Experiences in the Sudan, 1504-1956 99

News from the Sudan Archive, Durham    101

SSSUK Notices    104